Thursday, May 30, 2024

5/30/2024 - Cardz 4 Galz #226 Heels/Handbags - Attention Shoppers

Welcome back to another bi-weekly challenge here at Cardz 4 Galz and this is our last challenge for May and the theme is heels/handbags! I used all the new 2024-2026 In-Colors on this card, whether it’s coloring, paper or layering. I also did a really quick paper piercing technique, where I stamped the bags on DSP and then layer on the other pieces I stamped and colored. I hope you enjoyed this card and be sure to join us at the challenge!

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Challenge: #226#226
Stamp: Attention Shoppers,    
Colors: 2024-2026 In-Colors Blends, Memento Black,
Paper: White, 2023-2025 In-Colors DSP, Summer Splash, 
Others: Dimension, Everyday Details Dies, Happy Labels Pick a Punch, 2024-2026 Shimmer Gems,

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